La imagen tiene un atributo ALT vacío; su nombre de archivo es Ramos-Leo.jpg

The science of sports training must pay attention to a wide range of objects of study, from the biological and physiological, through the biomechanical, to the psychological and motivational. We focus particularly on motivation as a means of improvement.

We believe that the specificity of the task at hand and the variability of the actions are not only important to achieve an optimal development of sports skills, both for respecting the functional aspects of the practices, but also for being the direct stimulus capable of preserving a permanent state of emotional exaltation.

Diverse and specific situations

We do not propose a unique and irreplaceable method; we simply aim at raising awareness of the importance that must be given to motivation, because it is the motor capable of taking us to the top of the mountain; because motivation can make us persist even at the most critical moments that a training plan can present.

Our working strategy will be aimed at the comprehensive preparation of the players in physical, technical, tactical, nutritional and health care aspects, etc.

Today the dynamics of training adapt to the demands of sports in different ways. With the aid of science, different physiological factors that influence methods were acknowledged. These factors also shed light to errors in the analysis of work strategies.

La imagen tiene un atributo ALT vacío; su nombre de archivo es 1013678_748746485154311_1768665929_n.jpg

Soccer makes us face the unpredictable in every action, thus forcing us to widen the range of moves going beyond our own abilities to overcome difficult conditions. Therefore, soccer players are able to adapt to the changing circumstances of the game. 

Knowledge of tactics and strategies are just some of the factors that must be taken into account in the development of soccer players, along with technical and physical preparation. Motivation, attitude, nutrition, anthropometrics and health care aspects in general are also taken into account, among others.